There are two ways for you to add comments that you can later use in your inspections. The first option is to put the comments right into the inspection template. Comments that are put into your inspection template are always there and ready for you when you’re using that particular template. You will see them listed in your template with checkboxes next to them. To include it in the final report when you are performing an inspection, you just need to tap the checkbox.
The second option is to go to your side menu in your dashboard and click on “Comments”. There you can enter comments – as many and as long as you’d like. Those are what we call global comments. To access these on an inspection, you can start typing part of the comment, or if you have assigned them a short code, they will pop up in any template you are using when you type in that short code. If you mark the comment as a limitation, this means that it is something that limits your ability to perform part of your inspection.