The video below will show you how to export the file needed from InspectIt to import it into Inspector Toolbelt. InspectIt’s system does not have an easier way to get the files, unfortunately, but you only need to find the right file once, and then it’s easy sailing after that when you upload it into our system. Below is a step-by-step, followed by a video, but feel free to contact us at support if you need help with this.
- Go into your InspectIt app.
- Click “Settings” in the menu.
- Click the button to create a backup, and a backup file will be created on your device.
- You will need to go into our device (preferably a PC, as it is a bit easier that way) and find that file – it will be labeled as an InspectIt file. (On an Android device, the backup file is usually saved in a folder that can be found here: “/Internal Storage/Android/data/”)
- Once in the folder, you will see another folder labeled “Backups”. Click on that.
- Inside of THAT folder, is a zip folder. Unzip that folder to show the final section needed to go into, which is the folder inside of the zip file
- Inside of that folder will be a file labeled “inspectit.sqlite”. There may be other files that have similar names, only choose that one though.
- Upload that file into ITB and your information will begin to be imported.
On an Android device, the backup file is usually saved in a folder that can be found here:
“/Internal Storage/Android/data/”